Growing Conditions

Nearly 5 inches of rain in a warm December 2014 led to a cooler spring. A consistent pattern of rain threats through April sadly did not pan out. Cloud cover and cool temperatures helped preserve the little bit of rain we received earlier in the season. These drought conditions combined with damaging spring frost and a cool windy spring led to much lower yields throughout the state. These same conditions however produced some intense and developed wines. The spectacular though limited 2015 vintage will be in high demand.


  ere is perfection in imperfection. As we were sorting through our beautiful, drought stressed James Berry Syrah clusters in 2015, we noticed a larger volume of slightly overripe grapes than in previous years. Inspired by the sweet wines of Banyuls, we opted to utilize these beautiful yet puckered clusters, that would otherwise be discarded, to make this delicious dark nectar. It has since become an annual tiny passion project. The JBV Syrah was co-fermented with MAHA Estate Grenache to bring up the acidity and freshness. The must was bathed in grape spirits a little more than half way through fermentation, preserving just the right amount of sweetness. After pressing, the sweet wine was transferred to basket held carboys to bake in the sun for 12 months reducing and caramelizing the wine. Another two years in French oak added the scent of vanilla.